Sunset Beach Gardens 403

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  • $25,500
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 14505.48 sqft.


This lot is located on the leeward side of our island in the Settlement of Wemyss and is 1/3 of an acre in size.   The property is bounded by a right of way road that runs to the beach from our main public highway.  Owners of lots at Sunset Beach have full access to a beautiful beach just a short walk away.

Nearby is a gourmet beachfront restaurant, shopping and a marina.

Full Detail

Price $25,500
Bedrooms N/A
Bathrooms N/A
Area 14505.48 sqft.
Contact BAH: 1-242-338–0082 / USA: 1-305-420-6864
Listing # 403
Property Status Available
Property Type Beach Access
Address Sunset Beach, Wemyss, Bahamas

Featured Property

Sunset Beach Gardens Access Lot 21


Thompson Bay Harbor front parcel

